Quentin Meillassoux: After Finitude and other texts

Welcome to the nightmare. The Meillassoux blogpost, seismic rattle and a whole lot of going on. Some say he has opened an entirely new chapter to philosophy, other that he is a charlatan withut proper anything at all. All that we don’t know is “why this way” but “why anyway.

But first a short quote from his recent and only book “After Finitude” where he, may-be, defines one of his central terms contingency

“By way of contrast, the term ‘contingency’ refers back to the Latin contingere, meaning ‘to touch, to befall’, which is to say that which happens, but which happens enough to happen to us. The contingent, in a word, is something that finally happens – something other, something which, in its irreducibility to all pre-registered possibilities, puts an end to the vanity if a game wherein everything, even the improbable, is predictable. When something happens to us, when novelty grabs us by the throat, then no more calculation and no more play – it is time to be serious.” (Meillassoux, After Finitude, p.108)

Quentin Meillassoux: After Finitude (2008)

Here also some accidental texts from the last couple of years.

Quentin Meillassoux: The Immanence of the World Beyond (2009)

Quentin Meillassoux: Subtraction and Contraction: Deleuze, Immanence and Matter and Memory (2007)

Quentin Meillassoux: Potentiality and Virtuality (2006)

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